Monday, November 21, 2022

Why Some Countries Say Escaping Prison is Legal l Escape Prisons @Maaz Safder World

Why Some Countries Say Escaping Prison is Legal All of the countries that have legalized prison escape, Mexico has come under the most fire. However, the Mexican legislature and judicial system have continued to hold their belief that one’s act to escape prison should not be illegal unless they commit another crime in the process. Former minister on the Mexican Supreme Court, Juventino Victor Castro y Castro, is often quoted for his insightful summaries of why the country does not punish the actual act of breaking out of jail. “The person who tries to escape is seeking liberty, and that is deeply respected in the law…The basic desire for freedom is implicit inside every man [every person], so trying to escape cannot be considered a crime.” However, this does not mean that Mexico has legalized prison breaks. It is in fact, on the contrary. If you were to damage property, bribe guards, or conspire with others to escape, then you can still be charged for those crimes. Moreover, i

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